
District Crit

Got a hall pass for one day, which was so cool of the wifey. Little Shelby was going to get her first road trip, but she acted up and stayed up just about ALL night fussing....and it might be a bit early for that long a trip. Anyway, it was close enough to get up and back without burning the entire day, so I got baby duty later.

Well Specialized Sierra Nevada finally got it's first crit win with some great teamwork. Race played out perfect if you had a team. Griffo made the break with a few sprinters. Even though we did not like the odds one bit, John and I kept careful watch over the gap and followed moves that tried to bridge and stayed patient. The break eventually broke up a bit and John wisely bridged. I took over following wheels and watching for dangerous moves. All the solo and non represented guys burned themselves up chasing and launching attacks at the wrong times (IMO) after everything came back together. John and I got 2nd and 3rd wheel behind Safeway's leadout (Nevitt?) going into the chicane, which was perfect. John drilled it for the win and we held off Derdenger for a one-two punch. Sucks about the crash(es) cause or main friendly foes were out. Heal up fast.


Meet Shelby Suzanne

Born on July 18 at 2:27PM. Everything went well - Shelby and mom are doing just great and we are blessed.


Carrera D’ San Rafael

Mst. 35+ 123

Standing room only for spectators at this very cool event in San Rafael. You gotta love these downtown races that shut down so we can duke it out in lycra. Kudos to this promoter for a well run race. Banks sent me a great description and race strategy, which was dead on except the part about resting and recovering on the backstretch downhill….. we had the wind nazi that laughed and said no rest for you.

On the start line they announced two former Olympians and Priority Health Rider and “McKinley who is so good they named a mountain after him.” Very cool to be racing with high such high caliber folks.....blah, blah blah. Where’s my frickin' elephant gun? AMD and EMC had four each, Safeway had three who all raced Coyote in the morning and some other usual suspects. AMD hit it hard with Innes and McKinley trading attacks (thinks that's who it was). It was strung out and fast from lap one. Sarah said we were clocking about ~ 1 minute laps the first five laps - ouch. We got a bit of breather, but the attacks and counters ensued, which were aggressive and viscous. I stayed close to the front, followed wheels and hit the hill hard a couple times. This race did not feel like there was going to be a field sprint as that pace and attacks were gonna kill some folks and we had wind. So about halfway through a group of five got away with Holtz from EMC, Innes from AMD and three others (I think Derdenger and another sprinter) so it was dangerous, especially since the field was tiring and two big teams were represented one of which is their best sprinter. Safeway did some work to pull it in cause they were not represented, but it was sporatic and I was concerned as they all raced earlier and didn't pull it back at Davis either. Pasco pulled for about a lap and a half hard and EMC was second wheel. Pasco looked for someone else to pull and EMC said “sorry Robert.” I felt bad, and was going come around, but he pulled for another half lap with no help from his mates. A few of us came by and helped a bit but nothing got too organized. I pulled a bit and did some work along with a few other lone rangers.

My strategy is usually the same riding solo with no teamies - to work off the bigger teams and stay positioned. The gap was about 10 seconds or so. With no one looking to commit further and guys getting tired, I decided to bridge solo and attacked. I would have been happy with one other of course to share the pain. It took a lap or so to bridge kind of like Burlingame and I made it. Unfortunately, the pack must not have like it and they chased hard and also caught not too far behind. Knowing there would be a counter I watched for a wheel to come and follow, but none came and three got back off the front – Holtz, Innes and unattached Barlow(don't know the guy but he must have a good engine). Needing a breather from burning about half my matchbook on the bridge, I paused thinking no way three would get away after already being in the break. The whole pack must have been thinking the same cause the gap grew and EMC did a great job of protecting and covering at the front the rest of the race – schooling everyone. There were flurries of mini attacks throughout the rest of the race, but nothing solid and the gap grew to 20 seconds and I think even greater than that by the end of the race.

On the last lap I was 2nd or 3rd around turn 2 in good position then a huge acceleration from McKinley came around and spoiled the being first into turn 3 plan. I tried to match and got out of the saddle on that backstretch, but the string of a few guys hit it a bit harder and forced me to get in line and ended up 10th – out of the single digits for the time being. Holtz took the win and McKinley won the field sprint.


Vacaville Grand Prix

Vacaville Grand Prix

Masters 35+ 123

Small but potent field of about 35 for today’s race. Nolan and a few AMD mates, Safeway had about 6 sans Hernandez, Bubba, EMC with about 4, Fonseca, Gaver, Reaney, Bosch and mates, and some others. We didn’t really need a bigger field.

Good course with some technical turns and a nice little hill to burn the quads. We did 16 laps up that little bugger and I’ll have to say the team’s Tuesday ride is perfect training for it. We were fortunate enough to have the temp in the high 80s vs. 100, however the wind was brisk and wore on the legs. As usual, there were lots of attacks – some on the hill were just down right vicious. With no mates I just kept an eye on the players, stayed aggressive near the front and went with what looked like dangerous attacks (Nolan, Bubba, etc.). Missed a move with about 7 in it that grew from a couple, but they were not gaining and it was missing some key guys so I was not too worried. Reaney worked a lot to pull it back and I did help a bit - fair enough amount for one guy and no mates. Spun up the hill in the small ring most of the time and switched to big ring toward the end cause you can’t get lost on the accelerations on this course or you’re dead (memories of last year).

With 5 to go, I was losing steam big time on the hill – that or the accelerations were harder. It was just a fast race. Dropped back and recovered for a couple laps and told myself to get the heck back up there. That's the point in the race where you gotta draw on the reserves and stay mentally tough - eveyone else is tired too. Saw Bosch just sitting in the back with 3 to go and figured he would be moving up. He got about half way to front and must have been saving it for the P1/2 race. Lucky break came with two to go where it slowed before the chicane and seized the opportunity to claw my way back to the top 10 by being agressive.

Last lap was fast and Bubba attacked well before the last climb. I was sitting about 6th wheel just where I wanted to be. Told myself no matter what to stay with the accelerations on the hill as that would be the race. We drilled it, caught Bubba then Wire launched. I got 4th wheel at the top of the hill with Poulsen yelling “Go Chris”. Was able to push my way to 2nd wheel and Wire jumped again with about 450-500(?) to go and into the wind. I started to sprint to catch (and was darned tired). Wire got a gap (others thought I let it open up - sorry guys was not intentional) and I sat down thinking that a hard spin with a lower aero body position would get me back on his wheel then I could jump again (hellllooooo McFly). Well I guess that is the learning experience for today, cause I totally blew the finish and sitting down at that point was stupid as we only had about 250 to 300 left and he kept the gap open. Reaney came by first and then Nolan in the chicane. I had one more gear and slammed it in the 11 and gave it everything for the last 150. Just missed Nolan at the line by a few inches and took 4th. Wire held it for the win. Good news - was in the right spot at the right time and just need some more finishing practice.